Other Certificates



. S3 - S5
・ Available in Online zoom classes or In-Person
Minimum of 10 hours
Flexible schedule
The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) is essentially an exam intended for non-native English speaking students, it is a means to demonstrate their English language capabilities through tests like reading, writing and speaking English at the university level.
・ In the reading part of TOEFL exam, students are expected to:
- Be able to understand cause and effect 
- Infer information
- Derive essential data
・  In the writing part of TOEFL exam, students are expected to:
- Conclude and make a summary of the academic subject material given in written and in spoken form



i. The exam is done usually by high school or secondary school students aiming to pursue undergraduate or tertiary education in the United States. 
ii. Building Blocks SAT course aims to help students boost their examination performance before their SAT exam, any performance can be enhanced with extra practices and teachers guidance
iii. At Building Blocks, Students would be able to extra practices while applying exam skills on past SAT questions. Teachers would help identify students’ common mistakes and provide them with thorough explanations on particular questions.


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